I've got this working ... with a lot of caveats. Frankly, I probably
would not go through this again. But, if you're handy with fiddling and
have the time to burn, it can work.

My situation:
-Mac laptop, using iTunes.
-Windows generic boxx, XP, mainly used as fileserver. All music files
actually reside here.
-Slimserver on the XP box.
-Using trackstat for the tracking functions.

-Trackstat reads the iTunes XML file. I have to convert the drive
references in the xml file, although Trackstat has functionality to do
this (just doesn't work for me). I have a shell script that does this,
basically slightly modified perl text from some other source.
-Listen to music on squeezebox. Trackstat keeps a history file.
-I use the iTunesUpdate.pl perl script to update the play history and
rankings periodically in iTunes.
-Repeat as necessary.

-Requires more effort than you would think to get it working.
-Automation not ideal, but reasonably little work once done.
-Changes in slimserver / XP functions occasionally cause problems.
-Minor filename issues periodically because the windows drive is NTFS;
I have heard from others that this works better if the XP box is set up
to use HFS (Mac) drives, but this requires buying some product.

Major issues (think carefully):
-Slimserver Perl (at least the windows version) has a major issue with
foreign characters. For me, any file with non-English characters just
doesn't show up. There may also be a problem with some punctuation
characters (perhaps related to NTFS issues mentioned above). Only
solution for me has been to remove foreign characters.
-Tagging issues: iTunes does not appear to consistently write or work
with different gens of MP3 tags - it relies on its own database. This
can be a major nightmare - Slimserver may not recognize music properly.
You can spend a lot of time trying to fix MP3 tags - identifying problem
ones takes time, and the solutions do not always "take." I find AAC
files almost never have tag issues.

If I were to do over, I am not sure I would bother with all this. But
if you decide to go ahead, it is theoretically workable, and actually
functions - sometimes. If you want some pointers, feel free to ask. If
you're not comfortable with (at minimum) doing some command line work
in terminal, etc., think hard.

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