Generally it works quite well, and the interface to sync/unsync is good.
However, sync has a number of issues which prevent it from being as
1st-class as the rest of the system - so, thanks very much for working
to improve it!

A few comments about things that could be better:

1) gapless + sync should work together, and IMHO this needs to be
engineered into any sync design from the start. This is my biggest
disappointment with the current system, and is the one thing that could
lead me to switch to The Competition

2) the music sometimes gets stuck between tracks (never happens when
not sync'd). Presumably this relates to buffering and the players being
in different states.

3) the ability to sync mid track is required for various other
- when a player gets behind (eg from a buffer underrun), it's behind
until the next track. What _should_ happen in this circumstance is that
the affected player starts playing again, at the same point it would be
at if it hadn't dropped out
- fast forwarding/rewinding when players are sync'd is not usable
- syncing a player to a player which is already playing something
should just join in rather than forcing the other player to start the
current track again. This sounds petty but it's not when tracks are
long and fast-forwarding doesn't work

I'm more than happy to assist with testing any new software/firmware to
get the above issues sorted out.

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