On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 01:51:27AM -0700, bukharin wrote:
|David Lawrence;198504 Wrote: 
|> Ahem.
|> The correct spelling of visualize is visualize, as in the Oxford
|> English dictionary. 'Visualise' is a faux-French bastardization.
|You're right, of course - and that's precisely why I deliberately
|called it "Australian" English! The most common spelling of all
|-ise/-ize words in Australia is -ise; indeed, the Macquarie Dictionary
|(the closest Australia has to a definitive reference) lists the main
|spelling as "visualise", with "visualize" as an alternative.

For what its worth Fowler's Modern English Usage (Fowler is/was the editor
of the OED for a long time) notes that either spelling is considered
acceptable for the ize/ise verbs. The 'ize' form is the older form with
the 'ise' drifting into use more recently. (And it is indeed a French
influnce from their -iser verbs).

Now let's debate putting the 'u' back into governour or Colbert's
truthiness! ;-)

|Now let's not start a flame war!

No, lets not...


(...and for the record, an Australian born German dual national!)

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