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Question: My opinion of this is...
- I don't use RadioTime, and I think this is OK
- I don't use RadioTime, but that sounds like a problem
- I use RadioTime, and I don't care about these "flaws"
- I use RadioTime, and this bothers me at least a bit

Hi, radiobill. Quick question: do you work for RadioTime, or have you?

radiobill;199017 Wrote: 
> The risk is much lower -- another user might guess a RadioTime account
> name to listen to favorite stations.  But the user would not be able to
> identify your email

That's not true. When you submit a valid RadioTime username in the
"forgot password" page (http://radiotime.com/SendPassword.aspx), the
web site will display a message like "Your password has been sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]", revealing the user's email address.

>  or your identity, nor would they be able to make any changes to your
> RadioTime account.  Since you don't enter a password for the SlimServer
> or the SqueezeNetwork the password is never at risk

See below for more discussion of the password risk. My concern is how
the passwords are stored and processed in the RadioTime system,
including those of RadioTime users who never use the SlimServer or
SqueezeNetwork integration.

> , much less the email used to register.
> Registration with RadioTime.com is secure and passwords entered into
> radiotime.com and the RedButton TiVo-style Windows software are
> protected.

That's also not true. I don't know about the RedButton software, but
the login process on the web site is not secure. The page that displays
the login form and processes login attempts
(http://radiotime.com/Login.aspx) is not secure. Nor is the page that's
used to set up an account
(http://radiotime.com/Enroll/QuickEnroll.aspx). RadioTime does appear
to use secure web pages (https) when soliciting credit card
information, as it is almost certainly required to do by its credit
card processing contracts.

> Obviously you'll want to use a lower risk password for casual sites like
> RadioTime, as compared to a bank account or accounts with sensitive
> information.

Certainly it's a "best practice" for users to use better passwords for
less "casual" sites like online banking. And if SqueezeNetwork required
a user's RadioTime password to work (as it requires Live365 passwords),
that should clearly suggest to the user that a "lower risk password"
would be appropriate. But not all RadioTime users use the SN
integration and, more importantly, it's also a best practice for site
designers not to store passwords in "cleartext" or in an easily
recoverable format, and not to send cleartext passwords via unencrypted
channels like email -- but that's what RadioTime has done. Below is more
detail on my findings, since you seem intent on questioning not only the
importance of RadioTime's flaws, but the existence of the flaws.

There might be some even more interesting (frightening!) combination
attack possibilities. For instance, if RadioTime has not built good
anti-CSRF measures into the portion of the web site that updates a
user's profile, an attacker who knew a victim's email address might be
able to write a simple attack that would send a RadioTime user's
username and password to the attacker without the victim's knowledge.


Suggestions for RadioTime:


* Devise a new "forgot password" system that does not depend on
the "cleartext" password and convert every single stored user
to a strongly salted hash.
* Modify your "forgot password" web interface so that it does not
"Your password has been sent to " + the user's email address
* Modify your web applications so that https is used at least for
login forms and password maintenance forms and for processing logins,

password changes, and any other user requests that include users'
* Modify your APIs so that passwords are required and drop the old
* Make sure your non-web login API uses https/SSL/TLS.
* Reassess your system design in light of industry best practice and
documents such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard,
the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) guidelines, etc.

Privacy Issues

RadioTime will provide account information without a password.

Passwords are not required for obtaining information about 
a RadioTime user. RadioTime has an application programming
interface (API) for accessing a user's "favorites" and local 
radio programming. This API does not require the user's password.
By submitting a username to this API, an attacker could learn
roughly where a RadioTime user lives, and what programming interests
that user. RadioTime asserts that it monitors its systems for
supicious activity, so large-scale data mining should be somewhat
difficult, but small-scale stalking of individual users should
be very easy for an attacker to undertake.

RadioTime exposes email addresses

The forgot password feature displays the email address to which it
has sent a user's password reminder. An attacker who uses this flaw
to learn the email address for a given username will leave a trace
(the RadioTime user will get a password reminder email), but 
nonetheless can use this flaw to find email addresses.

Security Issues

Insecure password storage

Radiotime stores users' passwords in a recoverable format.
All common computer operating systems, and most applications
that provide username/password logins, do not store a user's 
password "as-is", in "cleartext", but, rather, store a one-way 
"hash" of the password so that anyone who gains access to the 
stored passwords will not see the "cleartext" password. 

Some applications that store cleartext passwords warn users 
when they set up accounts.[1] RadioTime does not; by all
appearances, RadioTime stores "cleartext" passwords. Since 
users often use the same password for multiple sites, this 
flaw may put RadioTime users at risk of having other accounts
compromised through RadioTime's flawed security design.

How much should you trust RadioTime? Their privacy policy[2]
states that "When our registration/order form asks users to enter
sensitive information..., that information is encrypted and is
protected with the best encryption software in the industry -
SSL. ... we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information
online" but RadioTime does not use https (SSL) to protect pages
that ask users for their passwords, email address, zip code, etc.
And their systems will send your password to you in an
unencrypted email message. So it seems that RadioTime does not
consider its customers passwords to be "sensitive" information.

Web logins vulnerable to common attacks (sniffing, MITM)

RadioTime does not use secure (https) web URLs for user logins.
This makes RadioTime usernames and passwords visible to attackers
who might be "sniffing" the network segments between a user's
computer and RadioTime's servers even when things are working
as designed. It also enables Man-In-The-Middle attacks whereby
an attacker who controls a network segment between a user and 
RadioTime can impersonate RadioTime's server.


Contact History:

2007 March 25:  Private message sent to ThomasMark regarding 
"no password" privacy issue. 
No reply.

2007 April 16:  Email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding
"no password" privacy issue. 
2007 April 16:  RadioTime email reply regarding
"no password" privacy issue. 
2007 April 17:  Replied to RadioTime contact, raising issues
of unencrypted logins and cleartext passwords,
and requesting that my RadioTime account be deleted.
No reply.

2007 April 23:  Used RadioTime web form to request account
deletion due to privacy & security concerns.
No reply.

2007 April 25:  Email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to request account
deletion due to privacy & security concerns.
No reply by April 30 (No reply was ever sent to my 
initial address; I do not know if RadioTime emailed
the address I set for my account on April 30.).

2007 May 2:     My RadioTime account no longer exists.


[1] The "mailman" mailing list software has language like the 
following on its signup forms:
"You may enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild 
security, but should prevent others from messing with your
Do not use a valuable password as it will occasionally be emailed back

to you in cleartext."

[2] http://radiotime.com/privacy.aspx


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