jsnell;185508 Wrote: 
> I have AlienBBC installed (I'm using Mac OS X) and it turns out that my
> Squeezebox will indeed play MLB Gameday Audio streams. But of course,
> what I have to do is navigate to the site, log in, get the stream
> playing on my Mac, and then translate the stream URL and paste it in to
> Slim Server.
> I would assume AlienBBC or a similar tool could also be hacked to
> navigate the MLB structure, but who's gonna do it? ;-)
> Still, the manual way isn't horrible and does seem to work.


I was with you until 'translate URL.'  Once I'm listening to the stream
from MLB.com on my computer, where do I find the URL and how do I
'translate' it so I can paste it in slimserver and stream it to my
squeezebox?  ...if you don't mind me asking.  Thanks for the help.

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