On 22/05/07, amey01
> Regarding this, is there (or is anyone developing) a text-based
> interface for SB control. It doesn't necessarily have to be text-based,
> but something that can be controlled by the keyboard (instead of having
> to point and click) would be fantastic!
> I'd love to use an old laptop as a remote, but with SlimServer
> requiring mouse control it is just too cumbersome! How good would it be
> just to type half an artist's name, then hit F2 (say) to play.

Have you tried Moose ? (http://www.rusticrhino.com/drlovegrove)
It's possible to use most of its functions via tabbing, cursoring and
enter keying..

In the preferences there's a setting for the enter key's behaviour. If
you set it
to 'play' and type a partial match into the library window's filter
control, it'll
start playing the most sensible match..


- Dr Lovegrove
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