Just to clarify - the original poster complained about stability. I said
that stability was poor and upgrading to new releases was a pain because
they were often broken and required a rescan, which was slow. I can live
with slow rescanning if you only have to do it once. The current way of
adding music is very klunky. (Rescan or manually browse through a poor
web interface).

I do think that it is possible to provide a music server that does not
require seriously powerful hardware.
No, I am not going to build it myself (I am a customer here) - I have
too much else to do. I know how to do it but I really do not want to -
I want to buy something that is easy to use.

I am merely trying to voice an opinion that Slimdevices may want to
consider that some of their customers consider their software server to
be the weakest link by a very long way. I personally do not like the
idea that a music server that is streaming a single stream (I know some
people here have many devices, but the majority must surely only have
one). I personally would like to see a modular architecture that
allowed plugins for the functionality some people want. I really think
that Slimdevices need to seriously assess what market they are aiming
at. Either hackers or consumers (I have moved camps over the years).

This really is a personal view - I am not here to argue with the vocal
devotees. I really respect the point of view of wanting to squeeze in
as much extra functionality and pure "gee wow" stuff as possible. I
just think that there are probably a number of people like me who
normally stay silent on this board (I have been reading these fora
since they started). Up until very recently I have been very happy,
almost evangelical (and not posted), but the standard of recent
releases and the direction of the server (increased functionality/bloat
whatever people choose to call it) has left me very disillusioned. Let
me reiterate, my main use of the server is to stream one stream of MP3
to a single player. That really must be what most users do and what
most want. It should be simple and reliable, with added functionality
secondary to that primary functionality.

(By the way, that probably is a bit of a rant to be fair :-) ).


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