I have often had this problem - basically ever since 6.5.x

The previous version seemed to be a lot better - but the issues I have
had so far this year:

1) 1 Squeezebox out of the crowd that are synced up will randomly stop
outputting audio (but the device and display indicate it is playing). 
This will ONLY happen at the start of a new song - I had wondered for a
long time if it was a crossfading issue.

2) The squeezeboxes will occasionaly go out of sync (audio wise) and
then when a squeezebox finishes playing the song it is on and moves
onto the next one - the other squeezebox (which always seems to be the
one designated as master) will change to the new song and restart both
squeezeboxes off playing the same song again - it's as if the software
is attempting to resync the players - however this is NOT reflected in
the Web interface which is generally at this point one song behind what
is ACTUALLY being played.

3) The latest issues I have been having - when playing just the one
squeezebox - it will happily play non-stop for days and then all of a
sudden for no apparent reason it suddenly dies and comes up with "Slim
Devices" on the screen before going through the whole conneting to
network process etc again.  At this point the web interface will report
that I have no players - and the player will say "connecting to
slimserver" but never does.  I have to press the power button several
times on the remote and go through the "waking up slimserver" messages
before it finally reconnects - and of course I then have to start my
dynamic playlist all over again.  The slimserver has been moved to a
new computer (the old one every morning has a message on the screen
saying "slim.exe this program has encountered an error and needs to
close" etc.. neither of the two computers have ever had any sort of
standby feature enabled - as they are often doing other things. 
Slimserver is now on a dedicated computer - but the computer is on 24/7
- so my dynamic playlists have a chance to play right through (so
customers returning don't hear the same music that was on the day

Thats all for now....


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