Claus-DK;205145 Wrote: 
> Could I ask you to give me an example of how IRBlaster returns the
> learned codes?

Here's the .conf file for my Marantz RC1400:

    begin remote
  name Marantz_RC1400
  flags  RAW_CODES
  begin raw_codes
  name Power on
  1025    725    1900    1625    1825    800
  950    800    950    800    950    800
  950    800    950    1675    950    800
  1825    800    950    89700
  1000    750    1825    1675    1825    800
  975    775    975    775    975    775
  975    775    975    1650    975    775
  1850    775    975    20000
  name Switch to CD input
  1050    700    1050    725    975    775
  1825    1675    1825    800    950    1675
  950    800    950    800    950    800
  950    800    950    800    950    88800
  950    775    950    800    950    800
  1825    1675    1825    800    950    1675
  950    800    950    800    950    800
  950    800    950    800    950    20000
  name V-Mute on
  1050    700    1875    1650    1825    800
  950    800    975    775    975    4300
  975    775    975    1650    975    775
  1825    1675    1825    800    950    800
  950    800    950    1675    1825    20000
  end raw_codes
  end remote

The names I specified myself.

Unfortunately as you see it's not hexadecimal codes like on Remote

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'
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