> "SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 12047 - Windows Vista - EN - cp1252
> Server IP address:
> Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
> MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt"

Nothing special here.

> When I first took delivery of the machine it was set to
> displaying Chinese so many of the Windows system prompts were appearing
> in Chinese.

That's what I thought.

> I have since changed everything, including region info, to display
> English only.  But now SB2 clock is displayed in broken gibberish.

Are you sure your _system's_ language is set to English as well? Even if  
you change it for yourself, it could still be different for applications  
run as a service (as eg. SlimServer).

See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457003.aspx - the last  
step might be necessary to change the language for services as well.



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