Dave Dewey;207680 Wrote: 
> Do we really think that a potential Squeezebox purchasers first
> experience with needing to deal with digital music files is buying a
> Squeezebox?  I doubt it.
> I'd postulate that people that are buying Squeezeboxes today have
> already learned to deal with these issues because they have iPods or
> other digital music players and through these players are already well
> aware of tagging/ripping issues.  iTunes has already handled those
> issues for them - if music isn't tagged right they can't find in on
> their iPod and they fix it.
Agreed, the end users currently within reach are probably familiar with
iTunes. I wouldn't go so far to say that this means that they are
familiar with tagging and ripping though, because iTunes makes this
really simple, so they might not have had any issues with this yet.
Basically insert the CD and everything is done for you. But as you
said, they can still continue to use iTunes so this might not be a big

So maybe what's needed here to to make it clearer that using the iTunes
integration is the easiest way to get SlimServer running. 

We will of course still have the iTunes Music Store problem when the
users realize that they can't easily play half of their music with
their new SqueezeBox because they have bought it from iTunes Music
Store, but thats another problem.

Dave Dewey;207680 Wrote: 
> If SD/Logitech is really interested in fast start for new users to the
> SB, then easy fast integration with iTunes is low hanging fruit.
> iTunes's already installed, it already has music in it and users are
> familiar with it.
Isn't this pretty simple already ?
I haven't actually used the iTunes integration since I'm running
SlimServer on Linux, but if I remember correctly the iTunes xml file is
detected automatically. 

I think the big improvement here is just to make it clear that iTunes
is the fast and easy path.

Dave Dewey;207680 Wrote: 
> As a more experienced user, I'd need the option to follow another path,
> but having that fast start for the vast majority of users is
> important.
> Agreed again, I also want the advanced path because the fast start will
never be optimized for Linux.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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