OK, strange behavior from SServer regarding Apple Lossless file
playback. Here's what I see:

Under GA release v6.5.2, a file chosen to play from the SqueezeBox UI
will cue up and appear to be ready to play, but no audio emerges and
the countdown timer doesn't increment. If I leave it, it seems to just
sit there for about the length of time the song would be, then move on
to the next one, and do the same thing (cue but play nothing).

So, I try a nightly build of v6.5.3. Different stuff: I cue an album to
play, it cues up the first song an immediatly skipps on to the next one,
and the next, until it's reached the end of the album, and displays

I try the same thing from SoftSqueeze, and get the same results. These
same files, from the same source, play nicely in iTunes, QuickTime
Player and Fission.

Some details, if they help:

SlimServer is Mac OS X 6.4.9 via a mini, files are all .m4a made by
Audio Hijack Pro, stored on Infrant NAS.

Any thoughts?

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