nicketynick;211094 Wrote: 
> Yeah, its the plugins - I was using SlimCD for a while, but missed some
> of the plugins.  Another problem is that the one machine (the one with
> the broken Ubuntu) still keeps trying to do stuff on the HD and grinds
> away continuously, even when running SlimCD with the internal HD
> unmounted! (music is on an external drive). I'm not sure what's wrong
> with it, but I can't let it run like that. 
> I think I will look into installing SlimCD direct to the HD. Why do I
> need the IDE flash if I'm installing to the HD?

Well, you don't need an IDE flash:) It is just that to make it all run,
you only need 1 GByte of space. I find my HD install is working well,
and it was not too hard to do. I would certainly not discourage you
from trying it. I got mine running with AAC, AACPlus, ALAC, etc. I hope
that Michael will release 1.87 with this functionality built-in.

After installing SlimCD 1.86, I downloaded the latest
no-cpan-arch.tar.gz file, and installed that over SlimCD.


Ron F.

*Squeezebox setup:* wireless SB3 -> CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU
*Main rig:* NAD 7600 + NAD 2600A -> Phase Tech PC-6.5 speakers
*Headphone rig:* Headroom Max -> Sennheiser 650s
*Music Server:* Nano-ITX computer running SlimCD + 750 GByte HDD ->
Netgear wireless router
*Other stuff:* NAD C542 CDP, NAD 6300 Tape, Monster 5100 Power
conditioner, Outlaw Audio cables
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