Club1820;211207 Wrote: 
> Just curious,  why was the 1st log entry I sent you (failed/no playlist
> created) so much shorter than the successful one?In the first log entry there 
> were already 94 tracks in the current
playlist, so when you hit the add button it retrieved the additional 6
until it reach the 100 tracks you had configured it to retrieve in the
user interface.
In the second log entry you hit play, the result is that it will clear
the current playlist and add 100 new tracks. Each added track generates
a log row, so that's the reason why the second log entry is longer than
the first.

But both logs indicates that it has actually added tracks to the
playlist, so that's the reason I'm a bit confused.

Club1820;211207 Wrote: 
> I have always used the Random Playlist since day one and have never had
> an issue until now. ?  (about 2 1/2 mths)Do you know which version of Dynamic 
> Playlist and Random Playlist
plugins are you using ?

Have you recently upgraded and of these plugins ? If so, did the
problems start after the upgrade ?

Club1820;211207 Wrote: 
> It just seemed easier to use the Random Playlist since it was already
> set up as a selection in the menu.I'm not sure I understand what you mean 
> with this. 
The SQLPlayList plugin provides four built-in random playlists by
- Random Albums
- Random Artists
- Random Years
- Random Tracks
This wasn't the situation in the first releases, but now it is. The
SQLPlayList playlists is shown:
- On the SqueezeBox: Below the "Dynamic Playlists" menu
- On the web interface: Below the "Dynamic Playlists" menu and below
the "SQL Playlists" menu.
The built-in playlists are available in these places directly after the
Or are you thinking about something else with "... already set up as a
selection in the menu" ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
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