I've had good luck running the svn code on linux lately.  Since you
already have slimserver installed, you ought to be able to install and
run the 6.5x branch pretty easily.  This will give you all the latest
cool stuff in the 770 skin.

Log in as root.  Perform these steps:

  service slimserver stop
  mkdir /usr/local/slimserver65
  svn co http://svn.slimdevices.com/repos/slim/branches/6.5/ 
  chown -R slimserver:slimserver /usr/local/slimserver65
  cp /etc/slimserver.conf /etc/slimserver.conf.org
  cp /etc/sysconfig/slimserver /etc/sysconfig/slimserver.org

Now edit the /etc/sysconfig/slimserver file so that it reads:

  # Edit this to suit your setup
  SLIMSERVER_ARGS="--daemon --prefsfile=$SLIMSERVER_CFG 

Also, edit your /etc/slimserver.conf file and replace any references to
"/usr/local/slimserver" with "/usr/local/slimserver65".

Now, when you execute a "service slimserver start" you should be
running the 6.5x branch code. You'll need to reconfigure all your
settings and rescan your music library, of course.

Any time you want to "freshen up" the 6.5x code with the latest svn, do
the following:

  service slimserver stop
  svn up /usr/local/slimserver65
  chown -R slimserver:slimserver /usr/local/slimserver65
  service slimserver start

To my mind, that is the real advantage of using the svn code: the
ability to apply any slimserver bug fixes and new features with a
couple of commands that can be put in a shell script.

If you don't like what you see with this 6.5x code, you can go back to
your original setup by simply doing this:

  service slimserver stop
  cp /etc/sysconfig/slimserver.org /etc/sysconfig/slimserver
  cp /etc/slimserver.conf.org /etc/slimserver.conf
  service slimserver start

Caveat: I've really only run slimserver on Fedora, and really only with
the trunk code, not the 65 branch, so I don't know if any of these
details will need to change if you use a different distro.  I suppose,
also, that you may have to update your version of perl and run
/usr/local/slimserver65/server/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl to get the
latest perl packages for the 6.5x code.

gharris999's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=115
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