poneeboy;212814 Wrote: 
> I am considering buying a Nokia 770 but I am using squeezenetwork about
> 90% of the time.  Can you control the SB3 player (not the web site)
> when it is connected to squeezenetwork?  
> I find browsing through Rhapsody using the one line at a time interface
> on the SB3 a bit limiting.  Would I be able to browse Rhapsody and see
> multiple artists/albums/tracks listed on the same screen while
> connected to SN?
> Many thanks!

The Nokia 770 simply runs the Opera web browser (version 8, I believe).
You can essentially do anything through the 770 on SN that you can do
through your PC on SN.  Visit squeezenetwork.com and see if it meets
your needs.

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