mmg_fan wrote:
> Hi
> I have an intel imac with bootcamp and currently have slimserver
> running fine in OSX.
> However, i spend an equal amnount of time booted in windows (mostly to
> rip cd's with EAC).
> I'd like to be able to run slimserver in windows as well...but access
> THE SAME database as my OSX install.
> Is this possible??

As pointed out, the Mac with Bootcamp uses different drive partitions.  
You MAY be able to work out a sharing configuration (as pointed out in a 

However: Have you ever considered use of Parallels (  
This allows you to run Windows side by side with Mac at the same time.  
Near as I can tell, everything works fine.  The windows side works fine 
when booted via Bootcamp vs. booted via Parallels.  The difference, of 
course, is that with Parallels, you can run your Windows applications at 
the same time as your Mac applications, side by side ...

    -- Jeff
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