autopilot;95000 Wrote: 
> I currently have 2 HDD's in my PC. I have 2 large important folder
> trees, one with my music and on with my photo's. Currently i am
> manually copying everything between drives, but this is becoming a bit
> of a chore and often i forget.
> So what software people here use and would recommend for me?
> I don't want anything fancy, i.e. compression is needed as obviously
> its already compressed. Just a simple solution with folder syncing and
> preset times (over night).
> Oh, and free would be nice too :D

Entirely free won't work... I have my music every night back-upped
(actually, synced/incremental, only changes are written) with a free
utility* to a second USB external HD. And best of all - I have a 3rd HD
safe at a friend (he somehow didn't mind getting it) far away from home,
that we sync every other month or so. External HD's are very cheap these
days - a 500GB is < 120 euro, 320GB  < 90. That is a good investment for
your valuable music you bought, and spent countless hours ripping!!

*: - Mac only, but they have a PC
version too, if it is as good as the Mac version it's great:


MacMini CoreDuo, 300 GB of ALAC music -> Black Transporter (via analog &
digital out) & HK DVD47 for SACD + DVD-A -> Harman Kardon AVR 8500 & HK
PA2200 Signature -> 6 x Mission 780SE & 78C & REL Strata III
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