Attached is a screen shot of Task Manager/Performance. Not captured in
the photo, at the bottom of the Task Manager window, it says,
Processes: 43, CPU Usage: 5%, Commit Charge: 452M/12.

I did a uninstall/reinstall of SlimServer. Funny thing that the XM
Plugin was already installed. Guess the uninstall doesn't work so well.
Anyhow, I disabled XM and verified on the SB3 that it is not available.

Right now I am streaming some 24/96 FLAC files from my NAS and it is
having no trouble keeping up. I notice that the memory usage goes up
slightly and the CPU usage peaks around 25% occasionaly. Looks like the
physical memory is indeed very low! Hope that's not the real culprit,
cause I don't think I can put any more RAM in this box. I hate
name-brand boxes! Note when I stop SlimServer available RAM goes up to
over 200MB.

I will mess around and see if I can duplicate the problem.


|Filename: Task Manager.JPG                                         |


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