First of all GREAT SKIN.   It works great and you really did a great
job.  THANK YOU.

I wanted to inquire about the possibility of showing the title of the
piece currently playing when using Internet Radio on the "Now Playing"
screen.  Both softsqueeze and Slimserver Web interface can parse this
information.  Currently I'm using and the now playing
screen displays the URL connection like:

whereas the Slimserver Web interface and softsqueeze both display the
name (title) of the piece currently being played.   Is this possible?

Once again, thank you very much, I truly enjoy using the interface.  In
one room the Squeezebox is too far away to read it and the PSP 
SlimServer skin gives me all the cool features of the competing Sonus
Remote product, but with all the GREAT features of SlimServer and
all-in at a lower cost.  And it switches easily between my two
squeezeboxes and my transporter.  very cool.

Thanks again.

P.S.  To speed up the setup loading the skin images, I setup the first
one as you said, then removed the Memory Stick, mounted it on my Mac
and copied all the rest of the images from the Skin directory
(PSP/html/images) to the Memory Stick, then replaced the Memory Stick
in the PSP.   You were right, it makes a huge difference in
performance.   Thanks.

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