tlarsen;220025 Wrote: 
> I can't play any of my mp3 from my library, however I can play internet
> radio without problems.
> I switched on d_source debugging and got this in the log file:
> Matched Format: mp3 Type: mp3 Command: - 
> openSong: this is an mp3 file:
> file:///D:/Musik/MP3/dr%20hook%20-%20Who%20The%20F%20Is%20Alice.mp3
> file type: mp3 format: mp3 inrate: 160 maxRate: 0
> command: -
> openSong: opening file D:\Musik\MP3\dr hook - Who The F Is Alice.mp3
> openSong: seeking in 2087 into D:\Musik\MP3\dr hook - Who The F Is
> Alice.mp3
> MP3 file was not encoded with LAME, will not play back gapless
> openSong: Streaming with format: mp3
> 00:04:20:07:a4:43 New play mode: play
> 00:04:20:07:a4:43: Current playmode: play
> Error opening current track, so mark it as already played
> Backtrace:
> frame 0: Slim::Player::Source::errorOpening
> (/<C:\Programmer\SlimServer\server\slim.exe>Slim/Player/
> line 579)
> frame 1: Slim::Player::Squeezebox2::failedDirectStream
> (/<C:\Programmer\SlimServer\server\slim.exe>Slim/Networking/
> line 527)
> frame 2: Slim::Networking::Slimproto::_disco_handler
> (/<C:\Programmer\SlimServer\server\slim.exe>Slim/Networking/
> line 387)
> frame 3: Slim::Networking::Slimproto::client_readable
> (/<C:\Programmer\SlimServer\server\slim.exe>Slim/Networking/
> line 238)
> frame 4: (eval)
> (/<C:\Programmer\SlimServer\server\slim.exe>Slim/Networking/
> line 238)
> frame 5: Slim::Networking::Select::select ( line 492)
> frame 6: main::idle ( line 35)
> frame 7: PerlSvc::Startup (perlsvc line 850)
> frame 8: PerlSvc::_startup ( line 0)
> frame 9: (eval) ( line 0)
> 00:04:20:07:a4:43: Switching to mode stop from play
> 00:04:20:07:a4:43 New play mode: stop
> Stopping and clearing out old chunks for client 00:04:20:07:a4:43
> Resetting song queue
> resetSongQueue: Song queue is now 0
> 00:04:20:07:a4:43: Current playmode: stop
> .
> Anyone know how to fix this?
> TIA,
> Tommy

Is it only mp3's that will not play? Check for antivirus and firewalls
as well. If you have them installed try uninstalling them to see if the
files will play then.

Anoop M.
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