hi all!

i love my SB3. matter of fact, i just got my 2nd one. ;-)

BUT i just discovered something rather unsettling and i would like to
see if anyone out there has noticed a similar effect.

i generally encode my CDs using SJeng's OggEncGTb3 tuned ogg-vorbis
encoder set to q6. i find this gives vorbis tracks a lightness and
airyness lacking in other encoders.

however, it allows does allow bitrates to soar quite a bit on complex

and now it seems i have found a track, which starves the SB3's CPU.

1. buffer fullness is always 100% -> no network problem.

2. play track with large spectrum analyser screensaver or now playing
-> SB3 "chokes" after ~5-10 sec. of playing. displays "rebuffering 0%",
display kind of flickers and playback stops/stutters. if i leave it
alone long enough, it will recover after a minute or two and continue
playing normally.

3. switch "now playing" to a static display without visualization ->
playback commences again perfectly normally and never skips a beat.

4. turn visualization back on -> SB3 "chokes".

these symptoms would indicate that displaying viz + high-bitrate vorbis
chokes the SB3s CPU?

the track in question is encoded @ q6, but will run at ~400-500 kbit/s
for minutes on end. posting here is not practical, because the track is
~22 MB large. but i can provide it as a download or by mail if

if anyone else has been seeing this, should we report this as a bug? or
a feature request?

i understand that one could argue OggEncGTb3 does not comply to
ogg-vorbis reference specs, but then again i am only encoding @ q6. if
CPU choking is indeed a problem, then it should even occur with the
reference vorbis encoder @ q8-10, which is claimed to be supported by
slimdevices, no?

thanks for your thoughts!


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