bpa;229086 Wrote: 
> It could be memory but there are a couple of points that don't feel
> right fro memory
> 1. I/O for paging isn't usually attributed to a process so the slim.exe
> I/O burst is odd.
> 2. I have a laptop XP sp2 with 512Mb and it becomes very obvious when
> memory is short,  reponse time drops so that firefox would become jerky
> and disk activity becomes very noticeable even on a laptop.  
> Since the user is unlikely to dash out tonight and get memory - he
> might as well alternatives.

Right, I tried nuking every process I could and then trying again. Same

I also kept an eye on the TCP/IP values for Slim.Exe and Explorer.Exe
(in procexplorer) and they didn't change from if I was on bbc.oc.uk and
if I was on bbc.co.uk/cbeebies

Find attached images of my process list (see if you can see anything
looking odd?) and the TCP/IP values... All in the one zip file...

I think someone at Logitech support is going to have to see what the
SlimServer guys could think is in a browser (when accessing the pages
in question) than could trip it up like this?

|Filename: explorertcpip.zip                                        |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3361|


shuttle sn45g, athlon 3200+, 512mb, xp pro, squeeze box 3
slimserver version: 6.5.4 - 12568 - windows xp - en - cp1252, perl
version: 5.8.8 mswin32-x86-multi-thread, mysql version:
NeilF's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13059
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38571

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