Recently I've found the old time radio archive on  For
those that don't know, that means it has, literally, thousands of
episodes of old time radio shows like "The Shadow" or old science
fiction shows like "X Minus 1."  One of the shows I was interested in
was "Theater Five."  The archive had 252 files.  I use a Perl screen
scraper I wrote myself to download the files, edit the tags so I can
work with them easily, then save the files.  Some files are in Ogg
Vorbis, but most are MP3s.

Here's my Slimserver info:

SlimServer Version: 6.5.3 - 12376 - Debian - EN - iso-8859-1
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.4 i386-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7

I'm running Linux, Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.  I know there's a newer version
and I'll download it as soon as I get time to deal with anything the
upgrade breaks.

Here's the problem: When I added a new batch of files, that included
the "Theater Five" shows I mentioned above, it was one directory of 252
different Ogg Vorbis files.  On the "Server Settings" page of the
Slimserver interface, I clicked the "Rescan" button with it set to
finding new files.  It found about 40 of the "Theater Five" shows.  I
was having some trouble with tags, so when I fixed that, I rescanned
again, specifying to rescan the entire collection.  It found some of
the albums under Old Time Radio, but not all.  (On my OTR shows, the
artist and genre is "Old Time Radio", the album is the name of the
show, and the title is the episode title.)

I noticed that most of the series (each series in a separate directory,
and each series is in the tag as the album name) did not show up, as I
said, when I rescanned my collection.  So I rescanned, telling it to
look for new music.  It found a lot of the new series.  I checked under
"Theater Five" and it found only 40 out of 252 shows.  I told it to
rescan again and this time it found a total of 126 out of 252 shows. 
On another rescan, it found them all.

I do not do a rescan while I can still see the message on the page that
Slimserver is still scanning my collection.

Why does Slimserver not see all the files on a rescan?  Is there a
reason more files would be missed when I clear the collection and
rescan than when I rescan to add new files?

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