I know I will proabably get in trouble for the double post but I got no
answer in the Vista thread so I am going to the genral. Basically my
problem is since migrating to Vista, the music when connected to
SLimservers is hashed and constantly cuts and by cutting I mean a cut
every half to one second.

I have tried turning off the firewall. virus software, windows sidebar,
openning ports. If you have any suggestions please fell free. I have no
problem on squeeznetwork. I have doen the networks test and have no
bandwith issue. 

original post...
I run Vista Premium. My problem is playback. Any song whether it plays
on my squeezebox or softsqueeze jitters. The music keeps on cutting. I
have no problem on squeezenetwork. The squeezebox is wired to a linksys
router so wireless is not an issue. The PC has plenty of capacity, 3
gigs of RAM. No other process susceptible of taking resource is
running. I have gone in the firewall and granted access to ports,
slimserver, scanner.

If I use the exact same setup but use an old Emachine underpowered as a
source, I get no problem at all (in runs on XP)

I have the lastest slimserver version, it was doing the same older

Any thoughts ?


SB3 Silver │ SB3 All Black│WI-FI on WRT54-GS │Itune
Libray on (ALAC) for now
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