Hey Bklaas,

No biggie and I did not take it as flaming but more of wondering. And
after reading your post and mine, I can see your point. Nobody else
knows what I have or what I use or more importantly what I was thinking
when I posted.

It’s all just e-mail. I never read anything into it because you can’t
see the other person’s face, body language, or hear the tone of their
voice. If diplomats used e-mail to communicate we would be having a new
war weekly due to all the misunderstanding and to much reading into!

Yes I am an iPhone user. I do not own a Mac or iPod. I have only bought
one iTune in my whole life and only then to make my custom ring tone out
of it which Apple requires you to do. As I said, I only even use iTunes
because I have to with the iPhone. I am a Professional Options Trader
and the iPhone works well (being able to landscape) for what I need to
do so I am not chained to a laptop or desktop. It replaced my
BlackJack, which replaced my CrackBerry. As for PCs, I have been
running Red Hat for so long I can’t remember when I first used it. And
it was UNIX before that. A personal PC with DOS on it was sort of OK.
Windows ruined everything. The Amiga and BE were both great personal
PCs but because they were not for business and people could not bring
their work home, Windows crushed them. If only Open Office had been

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