You're very welcome (and thanks for your patience for doing this in
delayed half-duplex).  Let's hope we can figure it out!

The compilation failure error is a major one.

Line 144 of is "use Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan;"

Long shot: have a look at Server Settings / Basic Settings and see if
there is a valid folder for your playlists (make sure that it is
somewhere in your user folder system, as we don't want to run into any
folder permissions problems).

BTW, if you then select "clear library and rescan everything" does it
work properly?  Do the correct number of albums/songs/artists show up?

I'll keep thinking in the meantime..


SB3->Bryston BP25DA->Bryston 4B SST->Wilson Watt Puppy 7
Transporter via XLR->Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp->Balanced
AKG701s & HD650s
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