I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on my music server, & I can't stream to Winamp
on a Windows XP machine on the same network. I start Winamp & then go
to the SS web interface, where I can see my player. I then select an
album & click "play". My playlist shows up in the right-hand pane, just
as it should, but it's shown as stopped on the last track. Clicking on
the play icon in the SS web interface has no effect.

My SB3 works just fine. No problems there. My SS version is 6.5.5 -

I just did a clean install of 7.10. Previously, I ran 7.04 on my music
server, & could stream to players on my XP machine without any

I'm posting here rather than in the Linux forum because I don't think I
have a Linux problem. SS seems to be running OK &, as I noted above, my
SB3 is working flawlessly. My apologies if I've posted in the wrong

I'm sure that I've overlooked something obvious. TIA to anyone who can
point that out to me.

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