mortslim wrote:
> Assuming no auto-shutoff (most powered speakers don't have that
> feature), I also have wondered about this issue considering that I have
> zero education in electronics.  I have asked a few different sources and
> gotten different answers.  The consensus seems to be that if the apeaker
> is on, it consumes electricity and as you raise the volume of the music,
> the consumption goes up.  
> However to clarify what I have been told, even when no music is flowing
> but the speakers are on, you are consuming a lot of electricity.  The
> speakers have no "standby" mode.  

There are Mackie monitors that have auto shut-off. According to a 
colleague of mine that works well (he doesn't have an SB though). 
Another alternative is the PowerSwitch II plugin that can be used to 
turn things on and off with the help of a simple circuit:


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