Mark Lanctot;245460 Wrote: 
> That's not what it's designed to do and it will probably never work that
> way.
> Drag items from the left pane to the right pane.
Can you really D&D from the left pane to the right pane? I've tried
that without any luck. D&D works fine for me when re-ordering tracks in
the right pane.

As for D&D from WinExplorer to SC, never say never, but it certainly
has about zero chance of happening as long as SC is browser-based.
Doing D&D from WinExplorer onto a browser tells the *browser* to do
something with the file, not the "application" that is active in the
browser. It won't work with objects like tracks into a playlist.

(I know about the Beta forum, but don't see any point to starting a new
thread to carry over these specific issues that were raised in this
thread. I invoke "the kitchen sink" clause.)

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