Nickolay V wrote:
> I can not find any information on site and forums about computer
> hardware requirements for great number simultaneously playing
> squeezeboxes (8/10/20 or 32). I mean multizone audio multiroom mode.
> Can anybody make all information table for users : 
> winwows PC /
> Linux PC /

If you use wireless connections, I suspect the first limitation you'll
run into is bandwidth, which you'll reach sooner or later depending on
the bitrate of your streaming format.

For example, with mp3 at an average of 192kbps, and assuming a 4Mbps
maximum network throughput (that's a generous maximum for wifi) you're
limited to 21 devices at best, and it's unlikely you'll reach that
number on a single access point.

Will flac at an average of 700kbps on the same network, you'll only
manage 5 devices, and probably less than that.

Of course, you'll have much more bandwidth on a wired 100Base-T network.

I've not tried it, but I suspect that a fast, modern CPU, with plenty of
RAM, and running some flavour of linux will not have much trouble
servicing many clients, but I have no figures to back that up.


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