Itunes playlist integration comes up quite regularly and it does appear
to be a bit of a dark art.  If you can only see the playlists in an old
version of Itunes.xml (and you're confident you've entered the right
version of the .xml file in the Slimserver interface - do check!) then
I would blow the Slimsever cache away and try to rebuild a fresh

I don't use Itunes so can't give a great deal of help beyond that, but
from the FAQ and the Wiki:

FAQ Wrote: 
> If you've moved your iTunes music files around, iTunes can export
> incorrect information about the songs in its library. You'll need to
> make sure that iTunes has the correct folder for your music library.
> Visit the iTunes Preferences and click on Advanced. If the path to your
> Music Library folder is incorrect, you'll need to fix it. If it is
> correct, try changing it to a different folder and then change it back
> to the correct folder. iTunes will then update the paths to all your
> music and export that data correctly. (This process won't move any of
> your music, but it will force iTunes to scan your music library and
> update the paths to all the songs.)
> One other problem that Mac users might encounter is that under Panther,
> external drives don't automatically get mounted at startup time until
> the user logs in. This means that if you don't have automatic logon
> turned on and you keep your music on an external drive, the SlimServer
> won't be able to find your music files. One way to get around this is
> to set SlimServer to start at login. Another, more complicated,
> solution is listed here.
> If this doesn't resolve your problem, iTunes might get confused if you
> changed the "Keep Music Folder Organized" or "Add Track Number"
> settings in iTunes. Try changing them and then changing them back to
> have iTunes update the correct information about your music files.

Wiki Wrote: 
> Some Windows users have successfully fixed their problems in this area
> by stopping the SlimServer service and running slim.exe, performing a
> library scan and then reverting to the SlimServer service. [but why
> would this help?] 
> Other people have reported they can get their iTunes playlists to show
> by reinputting the location of their iTunes Music Library .xml file in
> Server Settings->iTunes->iTunes Music Library.xml Location. It is also
> worth checking that you are using the correct file path for your iTunes
> Music Library file. Some people have reported finding two or more
> versions on their hard drive. If you cannot get playlists to work,
> search for all .xml files and try inputting each of them in turn at
> Server Settings->iTunes->iTunes Music Library.xml Location

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