I'm having a similar (? same) issue running the latest nightly on WinXP.
SqueezeCenter actually RUNS okay, but it won't "open" in my browser (IE
7.0) to allow control from my computer.  It just hangs, with the
"Loading SqueezeCenter" spinning icon. I still have full control via my
three Squeezeboxes/remotes, so I've been reticent to do a complete
uninstall/reinstall as I don't relish the idea of reconfiguring my
custom settings.  I didn't have this problem with an earlier
SqueezeCenter nightly from a few weeks ago.  Of note, I had previously
SAVED the SqueezeCenter Settings URL, for quicker access, and THAT page
still loads fine in my browser.  Has there been a bug report submitted
for this yet?


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu) > benchmark dac-1 > modwright
swl 9.0se > belles 350a reference > ml summits. blue jeans cables.  
secondary sb3 systems in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speakers) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers).
sleepysurf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41158

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