>> (right now that's the thing they're least happy about, given that they
>> otherwise love their Squeezebox).
> C'mon? Which other kid can call a SB "his" SB?!? They must be happy! Ok?
> :-)

And it's SuperDateTime that sold them. They are lunatic sports fans and
love getting the latest scores on the display. (They're 10-year-old twin
girls, which is why I write "their" rather than "her".)

The, how shall we say, kind of lousy support for fiddling around with
playlists is, I'm convinced, another hallmark of a product designed by
techies who mostly listen to albums. I love the product, don't get me
wrong; I have two in the house right now. And I mostly listen to albums
myself. But my kids are very singles-oriented (just like I was when I was
their age) and they always want to add/remove tracks from their "everyday
listening" playlist. The current UI makes this rather painful.

On the other hand, my kids also like some of the techie aspects of the
Squeezebox, including the web browser interface, the custom library I set
up for them (so when they browse by artist they only see the ones they
like), and even the fact that they can set a playlist to wake them up in
the morning.

But modifying that playlist -- yikes.


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