Michael Herger;252336 Wrote: 
> What would double the SB's value for you?
I'm not sure about double the value, but if I rephrase the question

"What would make you upgrade to a SB4 or other SB related devices ?"

It would look something like:

1. Improved audio circuits. 
I'm using the analogue outputs from the SB and it currently doesn't
sound as good as my old Arcam Alpha 7 SE CD-player. I think adding
better audio ciruits/DAC and double the price would make me upgrade.
Improving the audio quality is the only thing I can see that would
double the value of a device similar to the current SqueezeBox 3. The
Transporter is interesting but it's currently too expensive for me, so
I would like something in the price range between the SqueezeBox3 and

2. SqueezeClockRadio
A SB device that is customized to work as a clock radio would also be
very interesting. This would require built-in speakers and the same or
smaller physical size. For a clock radio I actually think the quality
of the current audio circuits and display could be decreased to be able
to sell it for a better price. A clock radio for $299 would be too much,
but if we can get one for $100 or $150 it would be very interesting.
SqueezeClockRadio would be similar to the SqueezeBoomBox often talked
about, but it needs to be cheaper and it needs to be smaller than the

3. SqueezePhoto
Being able to display album art and artist information on a larger
screen would also be very appealing. This could either be implemented
as a picture frame to hang on the wall or as a video output to connect
the SqueezeBox to a TV-screen. If implemented as a picture frame it
would have to be possible to use it as a standard wireless picture
frame when not playing music.

4. SqueezePortable
A portable SB device in the same size as a iPod would also be very
appealing. It would have to be able to store music locally on the
device and it needs to be small enough to be placed in a pocket. The
current Jive remote doesn't have the local storage and has the wrong
physical format to fit in the pocket, but I guess a future version of
the Jive remote could be SqueezePortable. 

5. SqueezeCarStereo
A SB device in car stereo format that stores the music locally in the
car but is able to sync its local storage with the home SlimServer
using Wifi or similar technology.

6. SqueezeHarmony
A Jive based remote control which is open source based and has the
features of Logitech Harmony Universal remotes would also be very
appealing. It needs to keep the screen of the current Jive prototype
but it has to have a lot more hard buttons.
The current Jive remote is very promising, but as long as it is only a
remote control it won't be appealing enough for me to upgrade. I'm
really hoping that the Jive remote is a first step to get to a
SqueezePortable or SqueezeHarmony.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41476

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