
I am trying to access my slimserver from work (using Softsqueeze). 

1) I run XP on both my server (at home) and my workstation (at work).
(However, all my testing so far has been from another local PC (at
home) instead of the work PC by using my external IP address)
2) I have installed and tried both FreeSSHd (
and OpenSSH on my XP server (at home) to get SSH access. Only running
one at a time of course...
3) I configured my router to port forward port 22 (SSH port) to my XP
servers local IP (
4) I opened port 22 in the XP server firewall (at home).
5) I started a putty SSH session from another machine (at home) to test
if it was working. In the Putty session I entered my external IP
(checked using Whats my IP as well as in the router): 83.bla.bla.bla.
6) All seems to work since a terminal prompt appears asking for a login
and password. Some info about cryptation keys was swiftly
accepted...without knowing what they do...
7) I login with my XP admin account and password and it was accepted.
Looking far...
8) I started Softsqueeze (on another home machine) and tried to use the
included SSH client (configred to connect to 83.bla.bla.bla) with some
success. After several minutes I get a connection to Slimserver. It
seems to work, I thought... Now lets play some music...
9) The performance is extremely slow. So slow that I am not getting any
music at all (!) and navigating the menus from the Softsqueeze remote is
extremely sluggish (VERY!). After a while the connection seemed to drop
off completely. I shut down and tried option 2: Putty tunnels
10) Set up SSH tunnels using Putty. In a new Putty session I configured
a local port 9000 to be forwarded to a remote port of
(the LOCAL IP on my XP server). Did the same for the 3483 port.
11) Using the same session as above logged in to 83.bla.bla.bla
(external IP).
12) Got a login/password prompt and logged in. Seems to work once
13) Started Softsqueeze and unchecked the SSH box and instead used a
server of localhost:9000.
14) Got a connection from softsqueeze to Slimserver that worked (yay!)
but was as slow as before (doh!): a few bits/s. Unusable. 
15) My ISP up speed is about 1Mbit which should be plenty when
Slimserver is set up to use bandwitdh limits using Lame transcode.
16 ) When I skip the SSH part and make a local connection directly to from another home PC all works fine, including the bandwith
limit and Lame transcode.
17) I have not yet tried to do this from work since I gathered that it
must first work at home (but going from my local home PC to the
Slimserver PC by Putty SSH and the router external IP.

I have either done something wrong or there are some ISP limitations
going on?

Any comments?

Thanks for your time.


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