peterw;254738 Wrote: 
> Also, the info page says nothing about Linux. Maybe that's not something
> the marketing folks want to push, but especially if you keep the
> SSH-based Remote Access available for the Controller, you're sure to
> get a few more Linux/OSS geek purchases. What Free Software geek
> wouldn't like a slick remote control that runs busybox? ;-)
I agree, this is actually the big selling point for me, I wonder if
that means I'm a geek ?

Linux and Logitech Public Source licensed firmware/software should
definitely be mentioned somewhere.
Another thing that is worth mentioning is that you can actually install
third party applications/applets on the controller.

But, I'm sure the geek community are going to get this information
independent if it is part of the product specification or not.


Erland Isaksson
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