moschous;256367 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> first of all i would like to thank you for your response on this
> thread. Besides on this, i think that this is a good 
> opportunity to start a thread related to performance / scalability /
> reliability / stability of slim server while 
> talking for providing a service (mp3 library service or playlists/
> internet radio service) where many squeezeboxes 
> will be able to connect to.
> As far as i understood (please correct if i am doing wrong) delivering
> content on squezeeboxes is only possible trough 
> the slim server. The squeezebox can connect only to a slim server and
> get local mp3 files, other playlists 
> (where content may located on remote servers), or get live internet
> radio stations where are relayed by the slim server. 
> So, even if the real content is not hosted on the slim server, it  is
> delivered/realyed through the slim server.
> If this is true then this kind of service (which is based on slim
> server) doesnt scale (it only scales when you drive different
> squeezeboxes to connect to different instances of slim servers - but
> this "manually" solution is not viable).
> Please correct me if i am doing wrong.
> So, is it possible to provide a service where the squeezebox will
> connect to on a different software server? 
> (e.g. QuickTime Streaming server, windows media services, etc.. ? )
> does anybody has any experience on this?

Interesting question.  I would think that the gist of it would be, "On
one server computer, how much CPU and memory can you throw at it before
the SlimServer software cannot make any more use of the incremental
horsepower?"  If the constraint is really the hardware rather than the
software, then one could scale as much as current hardware capabilities
allow under a given budget.  Of course, multiple networks might be
required to provide the necessary bandwidth.

Perhaps one of the developers could chime in on this.

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