BetterDAC;256641 Wrote: 
> > Mark Lanctot;256592 Wrote: 
> > Why not go with the Transporter then?
> > 
> > 
> > Becasue the Transporter is $2,000 and SB Receiver is $150. I was
> > looking for a good solution for several rooms, and the Transporter
> > isn't priced right for that. All they had to do was invest another $3
> > per Receiver and they could have had a much better DAC for the SB
> > Reciver, and which would have given them a huge audiophile lead over
> > Sonos. The SB receiver is about 2 years newer than the SB3, and given
> > how technology advances it was natural to expect a better DAC than the
> > SB3. And they really don't cost that much more.> > 
> What qualifies you to make this judgement?


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