BetterDAC;257710 Wrote: 
> "Foul tone"? There you go again. There's not a single foul word in any
> of my posts. Have you even read them all? Calling anything I wrote foul
> is an obnoxious insult, and should be beneath the dignity of a senior
> executive of a publicly traded company. I certainly hope you're not
> this thin-skinned around your employees, lest they have to endure such
> insults from you on a daily basis. I know you're only 27 or 28, but try
> growing up just a little.

I read all your posts in this thread.  I'm impressed. Where did you get
those advanced degrees in armchair engineering and armchair marketing? 
The topper was being able to evaluate the performance of a device
you've never seen.  Clairvoyance, too!  

And the quick-witted insults. Brilliant.

Enough irony.  Wait until you've actually heard the receiver to comment
on its sound quality. 


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