aubuti;260213 Wrote: 
> Is there a way to scan the music library on a computer other than the
> one that is running SS/SC? I vaguely recall some posts about this from
> back around the time the scanner was split off to a separate process in
> SS 6.5.0, but I can't find them now.
> The idea is that my main SC machine is a Buffalo LinkStation, which
> streams just fine but takes almost an hour to scan my ~4000 track
> library of FLAC. I also have SC on a new-ish Lenovo laptop running
> Ubuntu that scans that same library on the LS in less than 8 minutes
> (*and that's over the network*, versus the local scan the LS is taking
> an hour to do). Sometimes it would be convenient to do the scan on the
> Lenovo, and then copy the necessary files over to the LS. Can this be
> done, and if so, how?  TIA.

I suppose it could be done by scanning and copying the database files
over to the other computer (shutting down both SlimServer and MySQL
while copying).  But that'd be pretty ugly and more than a little prone
to problems.  Better would be to export the MySQL database as
dump/backup on the Lenovo and then import it into MySQL on the

Better yet would be to have the scanner running on the Lenovo directly
access the database running on the Linkstation.  Probably will be a
little slower than running everything on the Lenovo, but you'll have to

First, you'll need to be sure MySQL server on the LinkStation is
accessible from other computers, not just from the LinkStation.  You
could test it by using something like SQLyog ('download'


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