Bay City;261030 Wrote: 
> One quick question
> Does the new Squeezebox Duet support podcast and playlist that I
> created in itunes? And if it does will things such as playcounts be
> imported to the duet and remembered by itunes while using the duet?
> Can`t wait to buy one. Soon I hope?

The new Squeezebox should support podcasts and playlists through the
standard SqueezeCenter (the server bit) functionality. Playcounts etc
can be updated in iTunes using plugins like TrackStat or iTunesUpdate.

Essentially you should be able to do what ever you can do on the
Squeezebox "classic" as the boxes are essentially quite dumb and just
get told what to do by the server. 

pnielsen;261273 Wrote: 
> I'm soooo happy that they made this item available! At $299 it is
> really affordable. (I'd hate spending close to $200 on a Nokia 770 that
> will still require a lot of my time for tweaking, yet, in the end the
> 770 would never work as well as a dedicated device like the controller
> will).
> Peter

I guess the value of a dedicated controller vs a Nokia/iPod depends on
whether you would use the other devices for anything else or just as an
alternative dedicated controller.

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