Hi everyone,

I was thinking about the survey Slimdevices was asking customers to
fill out a while back, asking for suggestions for future products. 
This was when the Squeezebox3 was getting good press, and Pink Martini
was on everyone's mind.  These were my suggestions at the time.

1. A super-audiophile, high end component.  This idea came from seeing
pictures of the Squeezebox on like a $10,000 Macintosh amplifier in the
forums.  I mentioned that since the Squeezebox appealed to audiophiles,
why not go all out and get all crazy.
2. A more complete system involving a network storage device, or some
kind of formal relationship with Infrant.  I owned a ReadyNAS NV at the
time specifically to run Slimserver.
3. A wifi controller with a color screen and physical controls, that
would facilitate control of multiple Squeezeboxes, and that could maybe
also have its own audio output.  I was playing around with the Nokia 770
at the time, both as a controller and as a sound source via its tiny
built-in speaker or headphone jack.  Both of these last suggestions
were related to providing more direct competition to Sonos.

Obviously, what happened in the time since then has been:
1. the Transporter.
2. a deal for consumers who want to buy an Infrant ReadyNAS.
3. the Squeezebox controller.

I should add that I felt the high-end player I had in mind should
contain a CD player and a hard drive, more like the Olive Symphony.  I
thought it would make sense to have a way to set up the Squeezebox
system completely without a PC.  But given how everyone who is getting
into digital music has a PC, I can see why that wouldn't matter.

I had two other suggestions that haven't been implemented:
1. a Squeezebox unit with a much larger screen, maybe the size of a
wall clock.
2. a Squeezebox unit that included a high quality mono speaker, kind of
like an internet radio, but in particular produced by a company like
Tivoli Audio.

So, my point in this is:
- How should I feel about seeing some of my suggestions materialize the
way that they did?  Were they totally obvious to others as well?
- Will we see a Squeezebox Wall Clock?


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