NOTE: There are many potential causes to the problems cited in the
Title.  However, after many hours of debugging, applying fixes
suggested elsewhere in this forum, and getting nowhere over many months
of trying on and off to fix the problems, I discovered the cause of my
problems and I have a feeling (based on reading hundreds of similar
threads) that many of you out there probably have the same issues and
need to fix them in order to enjoy your particular Slim Device.

Note: Since the resolution to this issue involves a configuration
setting in Slime Server, the issues and this resolution probably apply
to ALL "Slim Devices" (SqueezeBox 1, 2, 3; Transporter, etc.).  I own a

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, this fix may
work for you:

1) Your player stops playing the songs in your playlist for no apparent
reason, especially if the playlist was built by adding all of the songs
from one or more albums (by clicking the "+" button next to an album
name to add the entire album to the Playlist) and your music library
consists of both songs and CUE Sheets. 
2) When you do add all of the songs from an album to a Playlist (using
the SlimServer web application), some of the songs appear more than
once in the playlist.

In addition to the symptoms above, you may also notice that while in
the SlimServer Web Application, if you navigate to Home -> Artists and
then click on an Artist and then an Album Name for one of your
"Non-iTunes" albums (i.e. - An album that you ripped to your Music
Library using EAC or some other software, but NOT for an album that is
part of your Music Library because it was imported from iTunes), you
may see that some or all of the songs appear more than once in the
album listing.  If you click on the songs, information about that song
will be displayed.  If ANY of the songs show Duration = 0:00, then this
fix will definitely help you out!  See the attached file for an example
of what I am talking about.

Finally, if you have turned on debugging and viewed the log and have
ever seen "Songtime = 0" (Search on "Songtime" in the log), this
solution definitely applies to you.

So, what's going on?  Well basically I found that the SlimServer
Scanner application that builds a database for all of the songs in your
Music Library was reading the CUE sheets in the Music Library and then
creating duplicate entries for them (most containing invalid references
to songs with a duration of zero).  When SlimServer tries to play these
invalid song references, it basically freezes up and doesn't allow you
to skip to the next song or do anything else for that matter.

How to Fix: 
1) Do a simple search (file name = *.* in Windows) on the folder
specified as your Music Folder in SlimServer under "Home -> Server
Settings -> Basic Settings" and make a note of every file type in that
folder that is NOT a music file.  For example, I searched my Music
Folder and found that the file types of LOG, CUE, & CDA also existed in
my Music Folder in addition to all of my FLAC files.  These other files
types were created when I ripped my CDs using EAC.
2) In the SlimServer Web interface, navigate to "Home -> Server
Settings -> File Types" and enter all of those "non music" file types
(separated by commas) in the "Disabled Audio File Extensions" box and
click "Change" to update your preferences.  In my case, the string I
entered into that box was "cue, log, cda".
3) Go back to the "Home -> Server Settings -> Basic Settings" web page
and under "Rescan Music Library", change it to "Clear Library and
Rescan Everything" and then press the "Rescan" button.  After your
library has finished being rescanned (it may take a long time depending
on your library size, but SlimServer will notify you when it has
completed by listing the number of albums and songs in your
collection), you should be good to go.

I have spent MONTHS trying to get my SqueezeBox working and until last
night, had NO success despite the insane amount of time I have spent
searching the Slim Devices forums. If you are experiencing problems
like the ones I mentioned (or even if you aren't), you should exclude
all "non music" file types from being scanned in your Music Library.  I
can't believe that this simple configuration setting isn't recommended
for everyone.  I can only hope that others benefit from all of the long
hours I put into figuring this out because finally, I am LOVING my
Squeezebox instead of wanting to toss it out of the window in

Final note:  You will see in other postings other suggested fixes to
similar problems and they are all valid.  So, in addition to my
recommendation, you'll want to make sure that:
A) You do the simple tests to ensure your Network bitrate is high
enough (at least = 3,000 Kbps 100% of the time)
B) Verify your music files are not corrupt by playing them on another
player or diagnosing them with the proper software (FLAC has very
simple, easy to use tools for this).
C) The necessary UDP & TCP ports (9000 & 3483) are open on your

There are other suggested fixes, but these seem to be the ones
recommended most.  BTW, I never had to do ANYTHING with my firewall,
wireless router (I have Norton Internet Security 2007 & a Linksys
802.11g router), or FLAC files ... everything would have worked
perfectly with the default setup if somewhere, someone had indicated
the need to exclude non-music files from be scanned in your music

If my suggestions fix your problems, reply to this post to let me know
... I'd feel really good about knowing I was able to help others out!

Good Luck!

- Rono

|Filename: Invalid Entry in the SlimServer Music Catalog.doc        |

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