I think output of Dreambox is mpeg-2 and not MP3 - so you will need
another app (e.g.mnplayer, vlc) to decode the stream.

Usage of slimserver.  To see if responding use d_http_async.

  Usage: ./slimserver.pl [--audiodir <dir>] [--playlistdir <dir>] [--diag] 
[--daemon] [--stdio] [--logfile <logfilepath>]
  [--user <username>]
  [--group <groupname>]
  [--httpport <portnumber> [--httpaddr <listenip>]]
  [--cliport <portnumber> [--cliaddr <listenip>]]
  [--priority <priority>]
  [--prefsfile <prefsfilepath> [--pidfile <pidfilepath>]]
  [--perfmon] [--perfwarn=<threshold>]
  --help           => Show this usage information.
  --audiodir       => The path to a directory of your MP3 files.
  --playlistdir    => The path to a directory of your playlist files.
  --cachedir       => Directory for SlimServer to save cached music and web data
  --diag           => Use diagnostics, shows more verbose errors.  Also slows 
down library processing considerably
  --logfile        => Specify a file for error logging.
  --noLogTimestamp => Don't add timestamp to log output
  --daemon         => Run the server in the background.
  This may only work on Unix-like systems.
  --stdio          => Use standard in and out as a command line interface
  to the server
  --user           => Specify the user that server should run as.
  Only usable if server is started as root.
  This may only work on Unix-like systems.
  --group          => Specify the group that server should run as.
  Only usable if server is started as root.
  This may only work on Unix-like systems.
  --httpport       => Activate the web interface on the specified port.
  Set to 0 in order disable the web server.
  --httpaddr       => Activate the web interface on the specified IP address.
  --cliport        => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP interface
  on the specified port. Set to 0 in order disable the
  command line interface server.
  --cliaddr        => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP
  interface on the specified IP address.
  --prefsfile      => Specify the path of the the preferences file
  --pidfile        => Specify where a process ID file should be stored
  --quiet          => Minimize the amount of text output
  --playeraddr     => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect
  to Slim players
  --priority       => set process priority from -20 (high) to 20 (low)
  --streamaddr     => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect
  to streaming audio sources
  --nosetup        => Disable setup via http.
  --noserver       => Disable web access server settings, but leave player 
settings accessible. Settings changes arenot preserved.
  --noupnp         => Disable UPnP subsystem
  --perfmon        => Enable internal server performance monitoring
  --perfwarn       => Generate log messages if internal tasks take longer than 
specified threshold
  The following are debugging flags which will print various information
  to the console via stderr:
  --d_artwork      => Display information on artwork display
  --d_cli          => Display debugging information for the
  command line interface interface
  --d_client       => Display per-client debugging.
  --d_command      => Display internal command execution
  --d_control      => Low level player control information
  --d_datamodel    => Data model search and field mapping debugging
  --d_directstream => Debugging info on direct streaming
  --d_display      => Show what (should be) on the player's display
  --d_factorytest  => Information used during factory testing
  --d_favorites    => Information about favorite tracks
  --d_files        => Files, paths, opening and closing
  --d_firmware     => Information during Squeezebox firmware updates
  --d_formats      => Information about importing data from various file formats
  --d_graphics     => Information bitmap graphic display
  --d_http         => HTTP activity
  --d_http_async   => AsyncHTTP activity
  --d_http_verbose => Even more HTTP activity
  --d_info         => MP3/ID3 track information
  --d_import       => Information on external data import
  --d_ir           => Infrared activity
  --d_irtm         => Infrared activity diagnostics
  --d_itunes       => iTunes synchronization information
  --d_itunes_verbose => verbose iTunes Synchronization information
  --d_mdns         => Multicast DNS aka Zeroconf aka Rendezvous information
  --d_memory       => Turns on memory debugging interface - developers only.
  --d_musicmagic   => MusicMagic synchronization information
  --d_mp3          => MP3 frame detection
  --d_mysql        => MySQL Process Information
  --d_os           => Operating system detection information
  --d_paths        => File path processing information
  --d_parse        => Playlist parsing information
  --d_playlist     => High level playlist and control information
  --d_plugins      => Show information about plugins
  --d_protocol     => Client protocol information
  --d_prefs        => Preferences file information
  --d_remotestream => Information about remote HTTP streams and playlists
  --d_scan         => Information about scanning directories and filelists
  --d_scheduler    => Internal scheduler information
  --d_select       => Information about the select process
  --d_server       => Basic server functionality
  --d_slimproto    => Slimproto debugging information
  --d_slimproto_v  => Slimproto verbose debugging information
  --d_source       => Information about source audio files and conversion
  --d_source_v     => Verbose information about source audio files
  --d_sql          => Verbose SQL debugging
  --d_stdio        => Standard I/O command debugging
  --d_startup      => Startup/Bootstrap debugging for @INC
  --d_stream       => Information about player streaming protocol
  --d_stream_v     => Verbose information about player streaming protocol
  --d_sync         => Information about multi player synchronization
  --d_sync_v       => Verbose information about multi player synchronization
  --d_time         => Internal timer information
  --d_ui           => Player user interface information
  --d_upnp         => UPnP device information
  --d_usage        => Display buffer usage codes on the player's display

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43036

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