Metoo wrote:
> Nostromo;267682 Wrote: 
>> Man, I don't even know how to save a playlist with the remote. I use
>> Squeezecenter/Slimserver for that. But I see your point. Maybe it could
>> be a little more user-friendly and fool-proof (with the possibility for
>> more advanced users to opt out) But they made great strides with SC 7.
>> And SqueezeCenter is evolving a lot faster now that Logitech acquired
>> SlimDevices.
>> A little piece of advice: if you want to be heard, don't say stuff like
>> "why Squeezebox sucks". You have to realize that a lot of people here
>> also worked one way or another on Squeezecenter/Slimserver. So they
>> tend to take such remarks personally.
> Fair comment, and sorry if it comes across too strong. But painful as
> it may be to hear, for Squeezebox to be sucessfull, it has to comepete
> in the real world, and the sentiments expressed are those of real
> users. 
> You guys have the power to change that, by perhaps changing the
> behaviour so the "Play" becomes "Play Now", after which the SB resumes
> the previous list?

You could change the 'Play' button to perform the 'Pause' (& unpause) 
function in the IR definitions file. That way you can only add songs 
with the '+' button and you have to use the web interface for erasing 
the playlist. Might work well in a party situation. The fact that you 
can do this so easily is why squeezebox doesn't suck.


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