>From the Beginner's Guide in the wiki

-*Native or Transcoded?*
In the Slimserver/Squeezebox world, this can be an important
difference. The various models of Squeezebox can handle different file
types internally, so given (for example) an MP3 file can decode it into
music within the box. Other file types can't be handled within the
Squeezebox and are "transcoded", i.e. decoded in the Slimserver into
another format that the Squeezebox does know how to handle (see also:
Transcoding). SB2/3 natively handles MP3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC and WMA
(except WMA Lossless): earlier models just MP3. See HardwareComparison.

Another significant difference for a Squeezebox is that you can
fast-forward or rewind with a format that can be played natively, but
not one that is being transcoded.-

So, it's not only MP3s that can ff/rew, but any format that the SB can
natively decode.

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