Whatever happened to being polite?

If you were invited in to someone's home, would you tell them "your
curtains suck" or "the renovations you're undertaking are a poorly
implemented pipe dream"?

No.  That would be rude.

Then why is it acceptable here?

Constructive criticism is fine and, in fact, very helpful.  "Have you
considered xx colour drapes here?" or "why don't you try this in your

This is the "home" of Logitech SMS, formerly Slim Devices.  Isn't it
bad form to insult the product on the very forums hosted for free by
the company?  Sure seems that way to me, but I guess I'm alone on this
one.  Perhaps my parents raised me to be more polite than most.

It's even more important to be polite here because you're posting to
the very people who can help you, and these people are on a totally
voluntary basis - they are under no obligation to help you, you should
convince them to help you by simple courtesy.

In such situations, I've often thought of a boilerplate response:

> Dear user: thank you for posting on this forum.
> I have an idea regarding the solution to your problem, but given your
> attitude I'm not sure it would satisfy you.  Therefore I'll let you
> vent, and when you are ready to carry out some troubleshooting to solve
> your problem, I may contribute further.
> Or I might not if you insist on insulting me by insulting a product I
> like very much.
> It's up to you.

I'm sure that would go over like a lead baloon and antagonize the
poster further, but at present I just don't contribute at all to such
threads and I bet there are others like me.  Perhaps if the OP knew
they weren't getting any help because of how they're treating the
volunteers here they might change their attitude.

I do see this a whole lot more in society in general - yelling or
complaining to grocery clerks, for example, who can't change anything. 
It's quite sad.

Mark Lanctot

Ben Klass: "I won't even eat a pre-7.0 meal.  Well, unless it involves

SB2, Transporter, beta SBR, beta SBC, production SBC
Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43308

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