smc2911;269575 Wrote: 
> This refers to a different sort of volume adjustment: replay gain. Some
> tracks are louder (or quieter) than others. This can be annoying if,
> for example, you are playing a random selection and you turn the volume
> up for a quiet track only to be blasted by a loud one following it. Some
> rippers and many music player/management tools (e.g. foobar2000) can
> analyse a track (and a whole album) and note its average and peak
> loudness. The results can be stored in tags on the file. If you have
> Volume adjustment set to off on the SB it will ignore these tags (but
> have no effect on the volume controls). You can, however, set Volume
> Adjustment to "track" which means that the volume of the playing track
> is adjusted up or down based on its replay gain tags so that everything
> has the same average volume. You can also set this to album (uses the
> album tag but relative volume of tracks from the same album is
> maintained) or "smart" which will guess whether you are playing
> individual tracks (and use track gain) or tracks from an album if there
> are a number from the same album consecutively (and use album gain).
> Hope that makes some sense.
Thanks for the information. So from what you are saying I gather that
the volume control which was set at 50 before I moved it to 100 refers
to a normal volume control - the same type of control that I would find
on my av receiver or on a table radio. By moving it up to 100 am I
basically just passing through the signal to my receiver? What I am
wondering is if using the control on the SB3 can have a negative effect
on the quality of the sound. I find your volume adjustment explanation
very interesting. Would using it have any potental impact on the sound

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