Suprlite7;271338 Wrote: 
> The SB3 if double it's depth could have the same capability as the TP
> I'm guessing.  You could add a larger screen to boot and still have a
> small form factor.  I don't see a necessity for maintaining an old
> standard.  Computers used to come in the same size box but that's not
> the case any more.

I can not agree completely with the analogy to computers. True,
consumer PCs have gotten smaller and so have commercial PCs, but even
though the commercial PCs are smaller many still come in RU sizes
(smaller then before, but still RU). Why is this? Because they meet a
standard and are still rack mounted so they can be stacked vertically
to use all available space and make them easier to service and

Taking a look at the major audio and video rack manufactures, their
main product lines are still for 19-inch wide equipment and most have
an offering for actual rack mounting. Most of my gear came with rack
mount ears or has an option for rack mounting.

The quoted post contains the main reason to keep the Transporter the
width it currently is. The current size does conform to “the Standard”,
which will probably be around as long as there are Class A power amps,
tube gear, and A/V receivers. Besides the current size looks great with
all my other gear in the media room. My SB3 looks out of place (but
sounds great) on the Stand Design Rack in the living room with the rest
of the 19-inch gear. I will be buying a Duet so I can hide the SBR in
the living room system and use the SBC with it, the Transporter, and
multi SB3s.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
Squeezebox 3, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two
VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370
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